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About – eurofoodcenter

About Us - Euro Food Center

Welcome to Euro Food Center, your trusted online source for authentic Lithuanian food and products, specially curated to serve the Lithuanian community across the mainland USA. Founded by two friends, Linas and Karolis, our mission is to bring a taste of Lithuania to your doorstep, no matter where you are in this vast and diverse country.

Our Mission

At Euro Food Center, our mission is clear and heartfelt: to provide Lithuanians across the mainland USA with easy access to premium Lithuanian food products. We believe in preserving the cultural traditions and the essence of Lithuania through its food, and we understand how these flavors connect people to their roots.

Serving Rural USA

We recognize that many Lithuanian Americans reside in rural areas where access to ethnic food stores can be limited. Euro food store is committed to reaching these communities, making it easier for Lithuanian families and individuals to enjoy their favorite Lithuanian products without the need to travel long distances.

Our Products

Traditional Lithuanian rye bread: The cornerstone of Lithuanian cuisine, made with care and authenticity.

  • Authentic Lithuanian sausages and meats: Expertly crafted, so you can savor the rich flavors of Lithuania.
  • Handpicked Lithuanian cheeses: Artisanal and flavorful, a true delight for cheese lovers.
  • Delectable pastries and desserts: Satisfy your sweet tooth with Lithuanian classics.
  • Baltic-style condiments and sauces: Elevate your dishes with the finest Lithuanian flavors.
  • Baltic beverages and spirits: Raise a glass to the traditions of Lithuania.
  • Artisanal Lithuanian chocolates and candies: Satisfy your cravings with a touch of sweetness.

We are dedicated to sourcing products from trusted suppliers, ensuring that each item in our store meets the highest standards of quality and authenticity.

Why Choose Us?

  • Authenticity: We are passionate about preserving the true flavors of Lithuanian cuisine.
  • Quality: Our commitment to quality guarantees you the best Lithuanian products available.
  • Convenience: Shopping with us is simple and convenient, with nationwide delivery.
  • Community: We cherish our customers and the diverse Lithuanian community we serve, and we are dedicated to enriching their lives through our offerings.

About Us - Euro Food Center

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Explore our online store, rediscover the delights of Lithuania, and let us bring a taste of Lithuania to your home. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal.

Ačiū (Thank you),

Linas and Karolis Euro Food Center